How Can I Design a Creative Customer Loyalty Program?

How Can I Design a Creative Customer Loyalty Program?

How Can I Design a Creative Customer Loyalty Program?
How Can I Design a Creative Customer Loyalty Program?

Nowadays, loyalty schemes are fairly common. Over 90% of businesses offer some kind of loyalty programme. Most of your rivals most likely already have one in place. You must look beyond points and conventional reward programme models if you want to stand out from the competition, capture your consumers’ attention, and earn their loyalty. You need to have a more innovative rewards programme than your rivals if you want to have a competitive advantage.

How can I design a creative loyalty programme?

Our best recommendations for managing cutting-edge client loyalty programmes include:

Tiers of loyalty
VIP tier of loyalty
original name for a rewards programme
original currency name
innovative loyalty incentives & rewards
new earning guidelines
a loyalty app
Stacking and combining promotions
notifications and recollections
new methods of promoting
paid membership for loyalty

individual communication

For instance, you might contact with your customers on the appropriate times and through their preferred channels by using their name and last name, preferences, and significant dates.

Individualized rewards

Offering prizes, as an illustration, that your devoted clients will find useful If your rewards programme gives tangible incentives and customer A prefers jewellery and customer B prefers cosmetics, you should offer jewellery to customer A and cosmetics to customer B.

Individualized earning criteria

You might need to put up various rules depending on the customer category. Customers over 60, for instance, could only be interested in incentives for purchases (and they might like straightforward earning conditions), whereas millennials might be interested in earning prizes for social media activity and other forms of brand involvement. You can set different rules for certain parts or just alter the program’s messaging while maintaining the same rules.

Tiers of loyalty

When there is a clear objective, people are far more inclined to participate in a customer loyalty programme. If they notice that it is within their grasp. To keep your consumers interested, it’s a good idea to divide your rewards programme into levels. Each customer is then always on the verge of receiving a reward for their loyalty. They may see the Holy Grail of sorts at the very end, which is another motivating factor. Typically, it involves joining a Premium Group of devoted clients or a VIP tier.

In light of this, it’s crucial to explain the full incentive programme structure and deliver it to each consumer along with an invitation to sign up.

Examples of real-world, inventive loyalty point names

Stars are what the Starbucks rewards programme labels its points.
The term “miles” is frequently used in frequent flyer programmes.
Remember! Establish a distinct link between your brand, the name of your programme, the names of your points, and the manner in which they are displayed. By doing so, you’ll give customers a consistent experience and demonstrate to them that your rewards programme is an integral part of your brand community, not just an afterthought.

innovative incentives and rewards
One of the main incentives for clients to join a loyalty programme is rewards. Your customer loyalty programme can stand out from the consumer loyalty programmes of your rivals by providing engaging and innovative benefits. If the advantages are noteworthy, it might also assist you in building discussion about your business.

new earning guidelines

You can also have novel earning rules in addition to innovative awards. More than only the purchases can be rewarded. Here are a few suggestions for rewards:

If you have geofencing set up and a mobile app for your loyalty programme, you may reward clients for visiting your store even if they make no purchases. This would encourage people to visit your business. The greater the likelihood that they will make a purchase is the more frequently they visit your store.
Quizzes – You may create an entertaining quiz and promote participation by awarding prizes to those who take it.

Surveys: You can give prizes for answering questions. This will provide you with the information you need to improve your products, further personalise client encounters, or alter the terms of your loyalty programme. Ask any question you like, provide a reward, and gather the information.
Social media activity and brand engagement.
reviewing your business on your website or social media.
sharing the images they took while using your products (user-generated content, or UGC), which you may utilise on your channels.
recommending additional clients.


Nearly twice as many players like taking part when they interact with the game mechanisms. 8 out of 10 participants use these mechanics when they are available.

All cutting-edge and traditional loyalty programmes face the same challenge: how to keep customers interested after they reach a certain level. There is a chance that your client will use (or not use) a reward before forgetting to proceed. The finest customer loyalty programmes all function as gamified journeys with individual narratives in the background that update customers on where they are right now and where the road is leading them.

Customers should be informed of their advancement toward the top of a loyalty ladder and the distance remaining before receiving the next incentive.

Key conclusions

It can be difficult to develop an inventive rewards system. However, there are numerous ways to go about doing it. There is a lot that can be customised and personalised in a loyalty programme, from unique names for currency and loyalty programmes to cutting-edge benefits and earning guidelines. The rewards programme software that will underpin your unique rewards programme is a crucial aspect to take into account. It must be adaptable and allow for customisation and customization. Your rewards programme software should ideally be Headless for easy omni-channel distribution and API-first for flexibility.

If you’re seeking for the greatest customer loyalty platform available, Evolve is a Headless Promotion Engine powered by an API that can power in-cart promotions, discount coupons, gift cards, referral programmes, and giveaways in addition to customised customer loyalty programmes. A comprehensive approach to all marketing promotions, Evolve rewards programme software enables promotion stacking and combination.

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