Tag: Email

  • How Email Personalization and Loyalty Programs Interact

    How Email Personalization and Loyalty Programs Interact

    Vilfredo Pareto, an economist and philosopher from Italy, observed that 80% of the country’s wealth was held by just 20% of the population in 1895. Even in today’s market, the vast bulk of a brand’s sales still originate from its most loyal customers. Loyalty programmes are the best example of the updated Pareto principle. The […]

  • Inspiration for Your Promotional Email Marketing on MailCharts

    Inspiration for Your Promotional Email Marketing on MailCharts

    Are you seeking for ideas for your upcoming email campaign that will include coupons, gift cards, referral codes, and alerts for loyalty programmes? Do you only see the headline? Are you attempting to increase the open rates of your promotional emails? Do you want to know how well-known, thriving brands craft their email copy for […]