Evolve, AerisWeather, Zapier, Segment, Braze, and Twilio Low-code Weather Marketing Campaigns

Evolve, AerisWeather, Zapier, Segment, Braze, and Twilio Low-code Weather Marketing Campaigns

Evolve, AerisWeather, Zapier, Segment, Braze, and Twilio Low-code Weather Marketing Campaigns
Evolve, AerisWeather, Zapier, Segment, Braze, and Twilio Low-code Weather Marketing Campaigns

What is marketing based on the weather?
Weather marketing, also known as weather-based marketing or meteorological-triggered marketing, is a potent kind of marketing automation that makes use of real-time weather data to tailor marketing messages and activate advertisements based on the current weather conditions.

Why should you use the weather as the basis for your marketing and promotions? According to a 2010 study by economist Kyle B. Murray, exposure to sunlight may lead to higher consumption and a higher propensity to spend. On the other side, shoppers are less likely to make purchases on gloomy, chilly, or stormy days. Consumer purchasing behaviour and receptivity to marketing messages are both universally influenced by the weather. Marketers are aware that the weather has a significant impact on consumers’ decisions regarding where they go, how they travel, what they eat, and what they dress, What goods and services they purchase, followed by their willingness to spend money.

The user experience for this campaign would be as follows:

An advertisement directs users to a landing page with a form to complete. To participate in the weather-based campaign, a visitor must enable location sharing and fill out the form with their email address. The user will receive the discount or gift card, as appropriate, if the weather conditions mentioned in the campaign are present at the user’s (browser-provided) location at the time they are filling out the form. The qualifying users will receive the vouchers or gift cards through email from Braze. Only the consumers whose orders meet the pre-established requirements will be permitted to redeem the coupons/gift cards after they have been validated against the campaign’s guidelines (by Evolve).

When the buyer fills out the form, this campaign setup verifies the weather. Another validation method you might use is to check the customer’s weather conditions when they redeem their gift certificate or gift card (everyone gets a coupon, but they can use it only during snow). Evolve offers you a wide range of options because it has a flexible and reliable API.

Following campaign setup, you may monitor publications and redemptions right from the Evolve dashboard.

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