Benefits, Drawbacks, and Objectives of Headless E-Commerce

Benefits, Drawbacks, and Objectives of Headless E-Commerce

Benefits, Drawbacks, and Objectives of Headless E-Commerce
Benefits, Drawbacks, and Objectives of Headless E-Commerce

Decoupling presentation from business logic is the main reason modern headless CMS platforms are preferred by product managers. With this strategy, developers have more leeway to modify websites and take into account how the shopping experience is changing.

Additionally, the digital team can use it for additional e-commerce systems like shipping, promotions, and cart.

In the end, it enables you to follow the following commercial trends without putting a strain on the time of your developers:

IoT – incorporate new household gadgets like Alexa, Amazon Dash, and other smart home appliances; Mobile – expand to new customer touchpoints compatible with mobile devices, such as messaging applications and smartwatches;
Coupon aggregators, micro (and even nano) influencers, specialised forums, social media sales, chats, bots, and many more untapped web marketing channels will soon appear.

How does going headless assist your company?

The possibility of headless commerce as a solution has already been raised. Let’s examine the breadth and depth of how it alters software delivery and, eventually, marketing innovation.

Once more, “headless” refers to separating presentation layer from business logic (your e-commerce back office systems) (customer touchpoints like the web, email, SMS, mobile, ads, affiliates, etc).

Your developers’ access to superior development tools and the ability to integrate with multiple components of e-commerce software more quickly are both made possible by the separation.

Benefits for marketers: Complete consumer personalization.

the ability to completely alter how everything about the buying experience will look and feel.
ability to reuse building components to develop new brands and customer touchpoints.
creating a path to buy that is driven by ease is simple and uses underutilised marketing channels.
faster integration of consumer touchpoints.
The work required to integrate CRM and e-commerce platforms is significantly decreased by the API-first strategy.
The headless method makes it considerably faster to deliver new customer-facing materials by opening frontend development to different UI frameworks.
Less time and money are needed for platform upgrades, performance improvements, and the addition of new features.
better optimization for conversions.
It is simpler and quicker to create UI versions for A/B testing.
It is considerably easier to control when features are turned on or off for specific client segments.

A brief case study is a good place to start.

It might be challenging to implement a new technology in mature businesses due to a lack of resources and complex processes. They start to innovate slowly. The benefit of headless commerce is that you may change it by beginning small.

Consider Media-subsidiary Saturn’s iBood as an illustration. Heavy e-commerce equipment is needed to support their multimillion dollar income and global presence. Now that they want to take advantage of personalised promotions, their outdated e-commerce platform isn’t nearly ready.

They have chosen to use Evolve API rather than creating a promotion engine from scratch.

Headfirst headless commerce

The three stages required to implement this strategy in other areas of your organisation, whether or not you have integrated headless CMS, are as follows:

Identify a new customer touchpoint that you wish to use to compete with Amazon and the like.
Consider the information you have gained from this post as you research the many headless platforms accessible.
Plan how to launch in baby steps with your marketing and development teams.

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